The Wilson Family

The adventures of Mark, Helen and Holly

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

More Holly....

I was vacuuming today and Holly made herself comfortable away from the noise
Hiding under the table at breakfast with mum, dad and Uncle John
Holly after eating chips dipped in tomato sauce and the froth off a cappucino
Such an elegant eater :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Nudie Rudie at 17 months

Holly has loved playing with a bucket of water this week - keeps her entertained for ages! Here she has tipped the water out though! :)
I strip her off so she can play in the water, but she tried to put her t-shirt back on today. Didn't quite get it on :)
Checking out the house
Skipping with the hose!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ukulele's etc

Hmmm, Holly found the caster sugar this week- yum!
Not only does it taste delicious, it also makes attractive patterns on the kitchen floor.
Um-ma! Busted!
Holly and her ukulele!
Chilling on the couch, knocking out some tunes...
So tiring, all this playing
Helping daddy tune the ukulele
and she's off!
Admiring herself in the mirror - what a lovely hat!
Modelling the latest in designer baby head-wear... a pull-up nappy!
Holly has gone cross-eyed trying to focus on herself - haha!
This is me!
Checking herself in every reflective surface - even the TV will do as a mirror these days. She also likes to check herself out in the oven door :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Holly tries on her new bathers from Grandpa and Granny Chris

Think she got sick of me taking her photo... having a little tantrum!
She really fancied herself in her new bathers
...even if she was wearing them over her clothes
checking herself out in the mirror
obviously she likes what she sees!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hello little man - welcoming Andrew Peter Love

Holly getting acquainted with Andrew's teddy!
She was in seventh heaven I think - Holly LOVES teddys!
Massive Teddy!
The Wilsons and the newest Love!
Holly was fascinated with Andrew - and why not? He is so cute!!
She was very gentle with him
Hello little man! He is so teeny! Was Holly *ever* that little??
Awww, cuddles!

More pics

Hmm, have put this first series of photos on in reverse order.... read from the bottom up maybe? :)
Holly off to visit Jake, apparently!
Getting my shoes on!
Got the car keys and her handbag
Holly put some of her smaller toys in her handbag for the journey
Holly woke up from her day-time sleep, went to my cupboard and grabbed out a clutch. She then said "Jake" and "car" and headed to the front door...

Playing in the bubbler
Trying to squirt water at the little boy trying to get a drink
An over-the-shoulder "bye-bye"
Being chased by Daddy - he was scaring Holly through the windows
Pretty girl