The Wilson Family

The adventures of Mark, Helen and Holly

Saturday, October 25, 2008

More pics of our sweet-pea

Oh dear! Her first major injury... :( Looked worse in real-life - check out her forehead...
Can you see the egg? Holly did a face-plant after running down the driveway and couldnt' stop herself without stacking it.
Looking *very* tired and probably has a headache too!
Bath-time with Aunty Tori at Grandma's house last week. The laundry trough is still big enough for Holly :)
Hello Aunty Tori!
Oh, mu-um!
Bye-bye! Looking very shiny in this pic - Holly, for reasons best known to herself, wanted me to put her shoes and socks on, some sunscreen and her hat. Then she went and got into the car and pretended to drive it! Very cute!
She even says "vroooom" !

On Daddy's motorbike
Funny face! She was checking herself out in the wing mirrors just before Mark took this photo!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwwwww!! Bless, give that egg and kiss from me!!! - I love the 'shiny' photo of her (in socks and shoes) the outfit is SOOOOOOOO cute!!! Cameron and Holly can have some serious fun in the car together....what is it with kids and cars??!! LOL!!!!
Big cuddles and see ya tomorrow!
Love Budge

October 26, 2008 at 6:04 PM  

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