The Wilson Family

The adventures of Mark, Helen and Holly

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Holly has a busy week

It has been a big week for Holly - she has learnt how to sleep through the night and is a much happier girl for it - and now eats and eats and eats!! She is our very own piglet :) She is still working on teeth 7 and 8 - they keep coming up and then disappearing again!
Holly pulls this face all the time - it usually accompanies a full-face kiss from her :) She does this, then grabs your face and rubs her face on yours - lovely!
Kicking back on her couch having some milk - Mark has similar photos, but he is drinking beer.... :)
Cheeky monkey in her room on the chair - again!
Spaghetti and meatballs for dinner makes a spectacular mess
Holly loves to eat the long strands of spaghetti
Wish this pic had been in focus - so funny!
Modelling her new jacket from Graunty Mandy and Gruncle Richard
Too cute!
In the dolls bed she got for her birthday from the Lewis family
She loves it, and also uses it as a step to get onto the couch....
In her new swing from her Aunty Da, Uncle Duane and the JJJ's
When I open the blinds in the morning, she looks out the window and as soon as she sees the swing, we have to go outside.... it has been very cold in the mornings lately. I have taken to putting up the blind at lunchtime.
Swinging is fun!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just LOVE that photo that you said isn't in focus - try work your magic and defuzz it - it's just the MOST CUTEST pic!!

And well done Holly for sleeping all night!!! You're such a clever girl!!

Love Brigette, Chris and Cameron

July 6, 2008 at 9:58 PM  
Blogger Gillian and John said...

Great pics. That looks like a very cosy jacket!

Love her hairdo sitting in the high chair and the out of focus photo is still very cute!

Well done Holly for sleeping through!!

July 7, 2008 at 6:16 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

not long till I am home now!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to give holly a years worth of hugs!!!!

July 10, 2008 at 6:57 AM  

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