The Wilson Family

The adventures of Mark, Helen and Holly

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

At the park
Practicing her best Japanese face for when Aunty Tori and Uncle Dicko come home...
Too precious to put her feet on the grass!
What have you got?
I want it!
I am helping Mummy hang the washing!
or not? Beating a hasty retreat before I see what she has done! :)

What shall I read today?
Any suggestions?
Something biographical?
Iggy Pop?
Playing with the bookshelf is fun!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Holly and the camera case...

Holly under the kitchen table, singing songs
I think she is serenading the camera case... she does love it
Practising her new exorcist style moves
oh, how I love you, camera case...
No more photos please - too tired to pose much longer

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Holly is 10 months old - eek!

Just hanging around...
Happy in the morning - cuddles with Daddy before he goes to work
The morning is so exciting!
Check out those pegs!
Getting filthy dirty in the scout hall at mums group today
Cheeky girl!
Hmm, mummy has her PJ's on
What guitar stand? Oh, you mean this one? I just found it...
It was under here!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Holly and her cousins

Jake, Jamie, Holly and Jordan pose for the camera
Love Jake's face here!
Holly gurning for the camera (honestly, if it wasn't Jake pulling a face, it was Holly!)
Holly plotting how to grow up and be as pretty as Jamie
What are you doing?
hmmm, put that down!
Holly watches her mad cousins have a bath
She is wondering when she can get in
Not happy that it wont be until after tea!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Holly goes for her first sleepover at Aunty Da's house!

Getting her bag ready!
All the zips are done up
Can we go now?
Butter wouldn't melt....
Hurry up already!
Not too sure about chocolate custard for dinner....
Caroline assured me she liked it!
Responsible Uncle Richard gives her a knife to play with...
Jake and Jamie help Holly in the bath
A rubber ducky to play with - much more suitable than a sharp knife....!
Jake has hairdressing abilities similar to his Aunty Helen!
Another suitable bath toy - eek!
All clean! Cuddles with Aunty Da and kisses with Jamie
Cuddles at the pool, watching the kids at their swimming carnival
Breakfast! Watch out Garfield! (I just looked at this picture in close-up and Holly has a huge slebber coming out of her mouth! Gross!)
Holly didn't come home with scratches, Garfield is a surprisingly docile cat!