The Wilson Family

The adventures of Mark, Helen and Holly

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Holly's second holiday on Rotto!

On the ferry with her cow... holidays again! Hooray!
A peacock in the Tea Room
Holly was fascinated by it
Christina and Gillian at the pub - Christina is wearing Marks t-shirt after she took a dip with all of her clothes on!!
Holly making a mess with some banana
Not the most expert job....
Christina shows how it is done
Nudey Rudies in the bath!
It was a perfect fit for the two of them!!
Christina shows Holly the best way to get the most water around the bathroom :)

Holly in the nuddy - Christina is more modest and kept her nappy on :)
Lovely smiles! The girls played nicely together...
...until Christina gave Holly a lesson in combat...
...and showed Holly how to attack people with a toy spade!

Crazy tongue and hair!
The girls both inspect the sand
Christina gets sick of sitting on the beach and decides to take a bike ride. If only she could figure out how to get the helmet on...??
Daddy and Holly in the pub
Holly had been for a swim in the water
Hello snot nose!
Mark at the Basin
The girls chillin in their prams
The Lamont Family at the Basin


Blogger Gillian and John said...

Great pics of our wee holiday.
My favourites are the ones in the bath and the ones where they are playing in your room.

March 15, 2008 at 12:05 AM  

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