The Wilson Family

The adventures of Mark, Helen and Holly

Saturday, February 2, 2008

So we went to Rotto....

We went on a family holiday to Rottnest Island, thanks to Great Grandma - what a fantastic Christmas present! Holly is 7 months old now and loved spending time with her cousins, Aunty, Uncle and Grandparents.
At the West End with Grandma and Grandad
Jamie and Aunty Da chill out on the couch
Jake and Holly playing in the lounge
Holly excited!
Funny wee face!
Holly figures out where the good stuff comes from...!
Hard work, all this relaxing on the beach
Holly in the bath (a very conveniently sized bathroom sink!)
Grandma gets Holly into the champagne early!
Holly standing up all on her own at Fay's Bay
Clever girl!
Jamie, Jake, Jordan, Mummy and Aunty Da got a bit silly!
At the West End - bloody windy!
Jordan, Jake and Holly relaxing in the afternoon
Holly loves being on the beach - tasting the best sand the island has to offer :)
Nicely protected from the sun inside her beach shelter
She loves the sand...
Uncle Richard realises he has the weirdest hair on the island...

The holiday is over - tears all round :(


Blogger Unknown said...

Looks like you all had a good time at rOTTO!! Wish I could have been there!!!!!!

You are looking annoyingly slim in all of the photos.

The crazy family photo needed to have Holly in it so I could have it as my wallpaper at work!

Grandma is pulling a finger sign in the photo with her feeding Holly champagne. What an influence! Watch her, would I (say that in a Yoda voice... I am watching star wars at the moment).

Miss you all!! Cant wait till August!

February 2, 2008 at 7:05 PM  
Blogger Mark Wilson said...

I put in the photo of Holly standing in the water deliberately because it made me look skinny :) Her first tooth is through properly today - you can see it when she smiles (and cries)! Very cute.... and sharp!!

Love Helenxxx

February 2, 2008 at 8:27 PM  
Blogger Gillian and John said...

Lovely pics of Rotto. Looks like all the family had a great time.
Love the one of Holly sitting on your tummy and finding where her milk comes from!

February 3, 2008 at 1:15 AM  

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