The Wilson Family

The adventures of Mark, Helen and Holly

Friday, September 28, 2007

Holly's week

What a pretty little hand
Christina came to visit and gave Holly lots of kisses!
Holly has a cuddle with Grandad :)
Smiling for the camera! Holly on her rug from Great Grandma
What a funny face!
"what is the squishy feeling in my nappy??"
Ahhh, big blue eyes.... sweet!
This week Holly had her 3-4 month checkup with the child health nurse. She is now 61cms long and weighs 5.48kgs. She is still following the 50th percentile line... but we think she is so much greater than "average"!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

More pics of our beautiful girl!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

It has been awhile... some new pics!

Holly and Mummy
Holly was helping with the gardening...
Grandma, Helen, Jamie and Aunty Da celebrating Caroline's birthday
So very serious!
Holly in the wash basket! She did her very first laugh when I put her in the basket - it was pretty hilarious!
Looking very cute in her outfit from Colin and Lynne Suttie
The outfit comes all the way from Canada and is reversible! Love it!
Holly hanging out with Cameron and Christina

It has been a big week - Holly turned the grand old age of 3 months, had her first little chuckle and is now sleeping through. Good girl, Holly!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Holly's first family holiday to Broome!

Holly clearly distressed on her first plane trip (I know it is a bit blurry but you get the idea)
Wide awake waiting for landing
Flying is very serious stuff!
Chilling by the pool in her pram. Was so nice and hot, about 32'c every day
With Daddy by the pool
Not impressed! :)
Her first pair of bathers!
The Wilson ladies chill by the pool

Holly terrified by the crocodile in the cage next to her
Holly and a baby crocodile - she missed most of the crocodile park as she slept for most of it!
Mark and the baby croc
Helen and the baby croc
Holly gets her feet wet!
Watching the sunset at Gantheaume Point
Daddy and Holly waiting for the sun to go down
Beautiful Broome!
Holly meets a massive Salty
Bindi Irwin???

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Getting ready for Broome!

Holly tries out her new sunnies...
So cool.... need to shorten the strap a bit
All ready to lounge by the pool...

Sunday, September 2, 2007

More pics...

How funny is Holly in this one! She doesn't look very happy!:)
Do you think Aunty Caroline had anything to do with this bib?
(After spending the afternoon at AC's with her cousins, Holly was so exhausted she slept from 9-5:30! Hooray!)
Grandma took this pic - Holly obviously distressed after just having her first round of immunisations! Happy on her play mat in her outfit from Vicky - very cute!

Here you are Aunty Tori.... more to come :)

All smiles on Father's Day
With her latest "dingle-dangle" toy
Daddy bores Holly..... he is allowed to on Father's Day!